Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Epiphyllum Time!



Sunday, May 26, 2019

Yellowstone National Park - Old Faithful

I try to stick to my theme of 'birds, plants and other things in the garden', but I'm going to post some pictures from a recent trip to the Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park.  These two national parks are nature's gardens.

It was snowing May 6th, our first day in Yellowstone.  The bison didn't seem to mind.

Old Faithful Inn

Old Faith geyser,  steaming between eruptions

Old Faithful Inn

Bison grazing

A Blue Heron 

A Buffalo Jam

Madison River

Old Faithful steaming when it isn't snowing

Old Faithful

Old Faithful

Old Faithful

Yellowstone National Park - Geysers, Mudpots and Hot Springs

Here are some pictures of geysers, mudpots and hot spring from various parts of Yellowstone.

A bison enjoying the warm ground