Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Tale of Two Caterpillars

 So I saw the tell tale signs of fritillary caterpillars on my passion flower vine.  There were lots of little holes in the leaves, so they were just getting started.  Once they get going, they can defoliate the plant quickly!  I began looking for the culprits.  I found a bunch of eggs that I removed, but only one small caterpillar.  I also found a white/beige caterpillar that I didn’t recognize and it was very wiggly.  Instead of the usual squish method, I thought I’d feed them to my Venus flytrap!  I dropped the Gulf Fritillary caterpillar into a trap and it closed instantly.  The fly trap did its job and started digesting the caterpillar.  A few days later, the trap opened and you can see the remains.

The remains of a Gulf Fritillary cater pillar in a Venus Flytrap

As I mentioned above, the unidentified white/beige caterpillar was very wiggly so I took care to drop it into the center of a trap.  It closed very quickly and I could see the silhouette of the caterpillar moving in the trap.  I came back an hour later intending to take a picture of the trap with the silhouette of the caterpillar.  But instead, I found this round hole.  The caterpillar had eaten its way out of the trap and escaped!

A closed Venus Flytrap with a hole where an unidentified caterpillar escaped!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Tuberous Begonias - Paul Carlisle & Chapman Estate

 Our begonia branch (Rudolf Ziesenhenne, Santa Barbara, CA) recently visited Paul Carlisle's shade-house and the Chapman Estate shade-house to see tuberous begonias.  It was a tuberous double feature! 

 If your familiar with my blog, you have seen the tuberous begonias grown by Paul Carlisle.  They are incredible!  I would confidently say that Paul Carlisle is the best tuberous begonia grower in the United States!  It's always a treat to visit his shade-house when the tuberous are in full bloom!  Here are pictures taken in Paul's shade-house.

Tuberous Begonias, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonias, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonias, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonias, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonias, Grown by Paul Carlisle

Tuberous Begonia, Grown by Paul Carlisle

The Chapman Estate
Paul takes care of the tuberous begonias at the Chapman Estate in Pismo Beach CA.  The Chapman Estate was bequeathed to the City of Pismo Beach in 2013. Clifford Chapman directed that the estate be open to the public, designated non-profit organizations, and private events.  You can learn more at their website Chapman Estate Foundation

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

The Chapman Estate

Brown Pelicans

Brown Pelicans

Saturday, September 14, 2024

American Begonia Society Convention - Long Beach, California

 I had a great time at the ABS convention "California Dreaming", in Long Beach California.  It was fun sharing a laugh with old friends and making new friends.  There were a variety to tours to gardens, and plant nurseries, along with several speakers and programs about begonias.  The convention also had an impressive show room of begonias and a sales room where people could buy begonias!  

Whenever I go to a begonia convention, I always enjoy seeing the gardens of other members.  We got to visit five private gardens and here are a few pictures.

Home Garden of Chris Hogan

Home Garden of Chris Hogan

Home Garden of Steve Turner

Home Garden of Steve Turner

Home Garden of Mike Moody

Home Garden of Mike Moody.  Look at the size of that tree fern!

Home Garden of Tom Rozelle

Home Garden of Tom Rozelle.  This garden was packed with a variety of ferns, bromeliads, tillandsias, orchids and begonias planted around a set of intricate pathways and boulders!

Home Garden of Carol Knight.  Look at that b. 'Red Fred'!

Home Garden of Carol Knight.  There's a b. Mr. Hunt!

Home Garden of Carol Knight

Home Garden of Carol Knight

We also toured the garden at The Getty Center

B. 'Paul Hernandez'

More begonias

Lots of Barrel Cactus and Variegated Agave Americana

In addition to the garden, The Getty Center has some famous art.

Rainforest Flora in Torrance, California has an amazing display and it's a great place to buy bromeliads and tillandsias.

The convention showroom.

There was some artwork in here too.

A few extra tuberous begonias from Paul Carlisle added some color to the showroom.

The sales room was a busy place!

The convention wrapped up with the awards banquet, emceed by begonia grower and funny man Mike Flaherty!

Tuberous begonias grown by Paul Carlisle and display arranged by Mike Flaherty

See additional pictures from the convention by scrolling below. 
Thanks for visiting.