Wednesday, August 28, 2024

American Begonia Society Convention - Long Beach, Division Winners *UPDATED*

 Here are the winners from the different begonia divisions.

Best in Show - B. 'Sinbad' Grown by Arlene Hoskins

Best in Division Novel Container - Mixed Begonias Grown by Mike Flaherty

Best in Division Novel Grown - B. dregei Glasgow Grown by Laurel Carlisle

Best in Division Rex Cultorum - B. rex hybrid Grown by Norm Nakanishi

Best in Division Shrub-Like - B venosa Grown by Arlene Hoskins

Best in Division Species - Rhizomatous B. heracleifolia Grown by Arlen Hoskins

Best in Division Terrariums - B. U664 Grown by Ray Van Veen

Best in Division Tuberous - B. pearcei Grown by Laurel Carlisle

Best in Division Rhizomatous - B. 'Northern Lights' Grown by Arlene Hoskins

Best in Division Hanging Containers and Wall Pots - B. 'Little Miss Mummy' Grown by Mary Sakamoto

Best in Division Mixed Terrarium - Begonias and companion plants Grown by Elaine Jeu

Best in Division Heritage Begonias B. 'Rubayat' Grown by Martin Delgado

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

American Begonia Society Convention - Long Beach, Arts & Crafts

Here are my entries into American Begonia Society Show. I made a stained-glass lamp shade and two fused glass pictures of tuberous begonias. I received two blue ribbons and one third place ribbon!

Monday, August 26, 2024

American Begonia Society Convention - Long Beach, Tuberous Display!

 We had a great time at the American Begonia Society convention in Long Beach California.  It was fun seeing old friends and making new ones.  The begonias were incredible.  Here is the display of tuberous begonias grown by Paul Carlisle and arranged by Mike Flaherty.  It was fun watching the reactions of members and the general public as they gazed upon this amazing display!

Tuberous Begonias

Tuberous Begonias

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonia

Tuberous Begonias

Tuberous Begonias

Tuberous Begonias

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Money Tail Cactus Blooms Again!

 The Monkey Tale cactus AKA Cleistocactus colademononis, is blooming again.  This is five weeks after the last bloom.  

Monkey Tail Cactus Cleistocactus Colademononis

The stem is covered in soft, white fuzzy hair-like spines and this is a cactus you can pet!

Monkey Tail Cactus Cleistocactus Colademononis

Here are two other cactus that blooming.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Cleaned Up Cactus Blooms!

Two months ago this cactus was covered in pine needles and pine pollen cones.  I cleaned it up and here is the before and after picture.  Now the top of the cactus has a nice cluster of blooms!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Nepenthes - Tropical Pitcher Plant



I’ve been growing carnivorous plants for about nine months, but Mike has been growing this Nepenthes for about seven years.  It’s a tropical pitcher plant and its requirements are very different than my American pitcher plants.  Nepenthes don’t require rain/distilled water or full sunshine.  It grows in a hanging pot, in a protected area next to the house and under a very tall and large bougainvillea. The pitchers are 2-5 inches tall and at eye level for easy viewing. I’ve seen a few ants walk along the lip of the pitcher and slide in!



The lid hasn't opened on this new Nepenthes
