Sunday, March 31, 2019

After A Morning Rain

After a brief morning rain, I took a walk in the garden with my camera and took these pictures.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Figueroa Mountain Wildflowers

This afternoon Mike and I drove over to Figeroua Mountain to look at the wildflowers.

Figueroa Mountain

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Shooting Star

A little Lupine just getting started

Another view of Figueroa Mountain, notice the house in the middle of the picture

Here is a close up of that house

Blue Dicks


One of the local TV stations was filming the wildflowers


A hillside of California Poppies and Lupine

Poppies and lupine

Poppies and lupine

Poppies and lupine

The narrow road makes for a tight squeeze!

The Bush Lupine will be blooming in a few weeks.

The view towards the Santa Ynez Valley

Indian Paintbrush

Indian Paintbrush