Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Hummers at the Agave!

The other evening I was watching a hummingbird in the agave blooms when another one flew in and then there was a bit of a scuffle.  Here are the pictures

Saturday, July 22, 2017

A Hummer Visits the Agave!

Here are my first pictures of a Hummingbird on the Agave Salmiana blooms.

Agave Salmiana and Hummingbird

Agave Salmiana and Hummingbird

Agave Salmiana and Hummingbird

Agave Salmiana

Agave Salmiana

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Western Scrub-Jay and the Sunflower!

From the kitchen window I could see a Western Scrub-Jay land on the top of a sunflower.  Then it would bend over, grab a kernel and fly off to a tree branch to open and eat the sunflower kernel.  After watching this cycle a few times I grabbed a camera with a telephoto lens but was unsuccessful taking a picture.  Although the Western Scrub-Jays are somewhat comfortable with me around, that wasn't the case with this bird.  So I set up the BirdCam and got these pictures.

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

On the left side of this picture you can partially see the Western Scrub-Jay.  This is the branch it would fly to and eat the kernel of the sunflower.

Platform Feeder

I have a platform feeder on a post that is about six feet off the ground.  I also have a slinky on the post to keep the squirrels off.  I set up the BirdCam to see who would come to visit.
BirdCam and platform feeder

BirdCam and platform feeder

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

California Towhee,

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

Western Scrub-Jay

American Crow
American Crow

American Crow

Western Scrub-Jay

Band-tailed Pigeon coming in and Western Scrub-Jay taking off!

Band-tailed Pigeon
Band-tailed Pigeon

Oak Titmouse

Morning fog with Western Scrub-Jay

American Crow

American Crow

American Crow

American Crow

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Here are six picture showing the progression of the agave blooming. The last one has a "party hat". Mike put a 16oz red cup on the top for scale!  The hummingbirds should start showing up soon.